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Firmware Versions and API Access

Firmware versions and relase notes may be found at

Minimum firmware version

The eGauge JSON-based WebAPI was introduced in meter firmware v4.2. However, it is recommended to use the most recent meter firmware as there have been multiple bug fixes and features added, as there may continue to be in the future.

Checking and upgrading firmware

Meter firmware upgrades are designed to be easy and require just a few mouse clicks, no searching for model numbers or having to download files or software! For information about checking and upgrading the meter's firmware, please see this article.

Changing WebAPI documentation version

The WebAPI documentation is version-controlled and older versions of the WebAPI documentation can be viewed by changing the version selector in the upper left-hand corner of the WebAPI documentation page:

This, for example, allows you to see only the API endpoints and features available in a given firmware. If the specific firmware version documentation does not exist, choose the closest lower-numbered release. For example, if the meter firmware is v4.4.2, the correct documentation version in the screenshot is v4.4.

However, it is recommended to use the latest meter firmware release as there may be periodic bug fixes and improvements.