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eGauge Meter Communication

Covers meter communication options, including Modbus TCP/RTU, BACnet, and remote eGauge meters.


Information about the eGauge meter's JSON-based API


eGauge has a free XML-format API for requesting data


eGauge meters can read and output Modbus RTU and TCP


eGauge meters can output BACnet information via MS/TP and IP (UDP)

Serial and USB485

General USB485 and serial information

Displaying the Manage Router option on Samsung mobile devices

When connecting to an EG42xx meter with some Samsung mobile devices the 'Manage router' option is...

HomePlug power-line communication

All about HomePlug power-line communication

EG42xx Wifi Connection

You'll need either a Wi-Fi enabled laptop computer or cell phone/tablet to complete this process....

Network Connections

The eGauge meter can be connected to a users TCP/IP network using Ethernet, HomePlug, or WiFi com...

eGauge Proxy Server Security and Functionality

All metering data is stored locally on the meter hardware itself, the proxy server only acts as a...

Configuring a remote eGauge

Best practice is to set up all the registers on all devices before attempting to pull registers f...

Configuring a USB WiFi dongle

The EG4xxx, with an attached supported USB WiFi dongle, can be configured to connect to a WiFi ne...

Comparison of Communication Options

EG41xx meters with built-in HomePlug communication have been discontinued. If HomePlug communicat...

Custom HTTPS certificates (EG4xxx only)

Starting in firmware v4.2 a custom HTTPS certificate may be uploaded to the meter and used for lo... Service

What is a proxy server? A proxy server provides remote access to an eGauge meter which may be con...

Unix time, timestamps, and timezone information

What is Unix time? Unix time is simply a numerical value of the number of seconds that have elaps...