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I've erased all of my data, how can I get it back?


Overview From firmware version 3.6.3 onward, the eGauge meter will ask the user whether they wan...

Why do I get the error "Sorry, you are not authorized to make this change"?


This occurs when the username and password entered is valid, but the eGauge doesn't accept those ...

How do I change the color or style of my lines?


The default colors for Usage and Generation can be changed from the Preferences menu, under Setti...

CT selection guide

CT FAQs and other information

To browse all available and supported CTs, visit the online store. For a detailed list of all CT ...

What CT do I choose from the CT drop-down selection?


You may also wish to refer to our CT Selection Guide for additional information.  For firmware ve...

What password do I use to save a change to the settings?


For meters purchased on or after Jan 2021: Meters shipped after January 2021 will come with a ra...

How does proxy server connectivity work?


How do I check HomePlug communication speed?

eGauge Meter Communication HomePlug power-line communication

If the eGauge interface can be accessed, it is possible to view the HomePlug communication speed....

How do I configure a static IP address?


May disrupt network-wide traffic. Do not attempt to configure a static IP address without knowled...

Checking and upgrading firmware

eGauge Meter UI

Table of Contents OverviewChecking Current Firmware VersionUpdating FirmwareVideo TutorialUpdati...

Panel phasing and eGauge installation

eGauge Installation

Correct phasing (associating a CT with the correct voltage reference) is a critical component of ...

Can the HomePlug adapter be connected to a power strip?

eGauge Meter Communication HomePlug power-line communication

HomePlug adapters should be connected directly into a wall outlet. If that is not an option, it i...

What are some causes of HomePlug communication issues?

eGauge Meter Communication HomePlug power-line communication

Note that a combination of the issues below may be involved with any communication problem. Also,...

How much data (bandwidth) does the eGauge use?


The eGauge meter stores all data locally on the device itself, meaning it does not need to be con...

Can I connect to the eGauge without a network?


You may also refer to the complete guide, Directly Connecting to the eGauge Below are the recomm...

What settings should I avoid changing?


The eGauge has a number of settings which can be modified by the end user. Some of these are rela...

Zero out data/spikes tutorial

Advanced eGauge Operation

Devices on firmware older than version 3.01 may experience a phenomenon where register configurat...

What is excess?


Excess is a value that results from a master eGauge losing contact with certain remote registers,...

Where can I find a HomePlug 1.0 adapter for my eGauge2?

eGauge Meter Documentation Legacy Meters (EG3xxx, eGauge2)

The eGauge2 requires a HomePlug (PLC) adapter that uses the HomePlug 1.0 standard. Adapters that ...

What is proof of ownership, and why do I need to provide it?


eGauge meters may be registered to a specific individual or company, or they may be unregistered....