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Supported browsers

Internet Explorer is not supported by the eGauge meter interface. While some functions may work, Settings fields may not populate and there is risk of configuration error when using Internet Explorer for configuration.

eGauge supports and actively tests the following desktop browsers:

  • Google Chrome
  • Microsoft Edge
  • Firefox
  • Safari

While every browser might render things a bit differently, we strive to make sure the browsers listed are usable and all functionality is available. If you are having a problem with a particular supported browser and can not reproduce it in another, please share this information with eGauge support (, along with the exact version(s) affected and the operating system(s) in use, so we can get a fix in the works!

Please ensure your browser is up-to-date. Browser versions unsupported by the designer may not function with the eGauge interface.  eGauge cannot guarantee that support will be implemented for a particular browser.