Zero out data/spikes tutorial
Devices on firmware older than version 3.01 may experience a phenomenon where register configuration changes that require a reboot cause unusually high readings to appear in the minute following the change. These readings are referred to as spikes, since they tend to "spike" far above the actual device readings. Spikes are almost always at least 100x the expected reading, and may be even higher.
Since spikes can cause cumulative readings to display incorrectly, the eGauge has a tool that can permanently clear data from the device database. Extreme caution should be exercised when using this tool. Once data is erased, it cannot be recovered. The video tutorial below provides a walkthrough of the tool's functionality.
Note that this tool may be used in other situations where clearing data is necessary (for example, removing bad data due to a configuration issue). However, this tool will always permanently clear data when used.