Listed below is all the known content in the system that links to this item.
JSON WebAPI relay control
Back to Main Power Relay Module (PRM3) Product Page. WebAPI documentation may be found at https:...
Alerts and Email Gateway with SendGrid
Introduction If delivering email to only one recipient, consider using the eGuard Alert Service ...
eGauge Proxy Server Security and Functionality
All metering data is stored locally on the meter hardware itself, the proxy server only acts as a...
What does the message "Error: Failed to save epoch." mean?
When attempting to save settings, the following error message may appear: Rebooting the meter ...
NTP (Network Time Protocol) and Date and Time Configuration
Overview All eGauge meters use NTP (Network Time Protocol) to obtain the current date and time. ...
Creating, Sharing, and Using Modbus Maps
Overview Current firmware allows the eGauge meter to record data from remote devices using Modbu...
EG30xx and eGauge2 (Legacy Meters)
EG30xx and eGauge2 are older legacy model eGauges. The current version of the eGauge meters are E...
Creating and Using Lua scripts
Lua scripting is an advanced topic. eGauge Support has limited support for troubleshooting L...
Modern User Interface
Check out the User Interface Tour for an introduction to using the Chart! The eGauge App provi...
Configuring eGauge Alerts (Modern Interface method)
Firmware version 4.6 or newer is needed to set up eGauge device alerts in the Modern Interfa...
Monetary registers
Overview By default, the eGauge applies a flat rate cost per kWh used or generated to the summar...
Firmware Versions and API Access
Firmware versions and release notes may be found at Minimum firmware version Th...
The WebAPI documentation may be found at The Web API was introduced in fi...