Listed below is all the known content in the system that links to this item.
AC Split-Core CTs with CTid
Visit the online store page (1% Accuracy) Visit the online store page (0.5% Accuracy) These...
Large High-Accuracy 80mm (3.1") CTs (AccuEnergy)
Visit the online store page eGauge Systems offers the 80mm AccuEnergy AcuCT-3135R revenue-grade...
AC Split-Core CTs (J&D)
Visit the online store page AC split-core CTs measures the amperage of a conductor on an AC (al...
Large 50mm (2.00") AC Split-Core CTs
Visit the online store page Large AC Split-Core CTs are in principal the same as the standard s...
AC Rope CTs (Rogowski Coil)
Visit the online store page Rope CTs (technically called Rogowski Coils) are large, flexible se...
Meter: eGauge Pro
Visit the online store page Model: EG4030 The eGauge Pro (EG4030) is the Pro version of the EG...
Identifying Rope CTs
The eGauge supports Rope CTs from three different manufacturers. In order to determine which CT t...
Meter: eGauge Core and Pro with WiFi
Visit the online store page (EG4215 or EG4230) Model: EG42xx The EG42xx meter series contain e...
Meter: eGauge Core Residential (HomePlug, discontinued)
This is a discontinued product. eGauge Systems no longer offers HomePlug-compatible devices. If w...
Extending the length of the CT leads
CTs may also be extended without splices or soldering using the eGauge Sensorhub as a CT extensio...
High-Accuracy AC Split-Core CTs (AccuCT)
Visit the online store page High-Accuracy AC Split-Core CTs work the same as standard AC Split-...
CTid-enabled AC Rope CT (ERA-XXX-YYYY)
Visit the online store page This article is for the ERA-XXX-YYYY CTid enabled Rope CT. For the ...
Meter: eGauge Core
Visit the online store page Model: EG4015 The eGauge Core (EG4015) is the base version of the ...