Mass CSV Export
eGuard provides a convenient method to produce CSV (comma separated value, e.g., spreadsheet) data from multiple devices using the eGuard portal. Please note that a minimum eGuard permission level of 'Manager' is required for this functionality.
In the eGuard portal, use the check boxes to select the devices you wish to export data for. The check boxes are located in the column left of the "Since midnight" power/energy statistic column:
Next, click the export button to the right of the wattage/kWh selection buttons:
Finally, enter the following information for the data export:
Email: The email entered here will have a download link sent when the export is complete.
From: The date and time the data should begin at.
To: The date and time the data should end at.
Interval: Choose a granularity interval for the exported data. Can be in Seconds, Minutes, Hours, or Days.
Export Type: Choose the style of export. Available options and examples:
- "Cumulative": This will produce total cumulative meter-reading like values. For example:
Date and Time Usage [kWh] 01/03/19 12:00 AM 588.8 01/02/19 12:00 AM
560.0 01/01/19 12:00 AM
On 1/1/19 at 12:00AM, the total lifetime usage is 500.0 kWh
On 1/2/19 at 12:00AM, the total lifetime usage is 560.0 kWh
On 1/3/19 at 12:00AM, the total lifetime usage is 588.8 kWh
- "Difference": kWh difference for each interval are provided. For example:
Date and Time Usage [kWh] 01/03/19 12:00 AM 86.4 01/02/19 12:00 AM
28.8 01/01/19 12:00 AM
Between 1/1/19 and 1/2/19, a total of 60.0 kWh was used
Between 1/2/19 and 1/3/19, a total of 28.8 kWh was used
Between 1/3/19 and 1/4/19, a total of 86.4 kWh was used
- "Average": This will produce the instantaneous averages, such as wattage, amperage and voltages.
Date and Time Usage [kW] 01/03/19 12:00 AM
3.6 01/02/19 12:00 AM
1.2 01/01/19 12:00 AM
This means:
Between 1/1/19 and 1/2/19, an average of 2.5 kW was used
Between 1/2/19 and 1/3/19, an average of 1.2 kW was used
Between 1/3/19 and 1/4/19, an average of 3.6 kW was used
Time Zone: Choose the timezone for the data export to be in.
Export type: CSV (individual CSV file per device) or Excel (individual file per device, or worksheet per device in single Excel file).
After choosing "Export", please allow up to about an hour for the export to complete. An email with a download link will be sent to the email chosen in the export options.
An email will be sent that looks similar to the following: